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Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 July 2015


I welcome you to another shipshape edition of love and relationship issues. Today, i will be talking about five (5) escape route to domestic violence.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE can simply be put as a behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person in a domestic act against another, such as in marriage or cohabitationIntimate partner violence is violence by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner.

If you are one of the miserable men who actually physically abuse your wife, then it’s time to stop now!

Globally, wife-beating is seen as justified in some circumstances by a majority of the population in various countries, most commonly in situations of actual or suspected infidelity by wives or their "disobedience" toward a husband or partner.

I have these 5 routes to avoid men abusing their wives:

1. FORMULAE WALK-AWAY: As a responsible man, you need to understand that women are fragile in nature and no matter how they behave, man will always be stronger than them (women). If there is a quarrel between you and your wife, the best thing to do is to walk away from the scene, either by walking to other room in the house or  you go out from the house. If you return after some hours and she still flame-up, keep mute, eat her food she prepared for you, call her attention to your reason of walking-away. I believe as a good wife, she will try to talk about the matter and by then you have to stand in man position to settle the issue and let her know where she get it wrong. 

2. RADIO-ATTITUDE : Sigh.. are you not amazed with this subhead title? "RADIO ATTITUDE" lollzz.. just like we all know the functions and how radio's are designed. Radio always gives information by talking, while the listener listen. "Anyone who is listening to a radio and you are responding to what you are hearing look like a insane being". Likewise husband and wife in marriage, let set this as an example: the Radio is the wife, while the Listener is the husband, you don't alter a word when your wife is burning words at you. Keep listening and after some minutes take a walk.

3. ACCEPTANCE OF OPINION : Women like to share ideas with their partner, in my opinion, have never met a mute woman in a marriage. As a man, dont let the sharing of idea cause argument that may lead to abuse, be patience enough and pay attention to her words, even if your mind is on financial responsibility, nod your head, make a move of good body language.

4. Use Anger Management Techniques to Interrupt the Anger Cycle (ref: LAIDE  SOTUNDE) : The following techniques is the pills to avoid abuse on your woman:

• Imagine how she could get hurt if you beat her up
• Take deep breaths.
• Tell yourself you can handle the situation.
• Walk out!

5. TAG YOURSELF WITH TIP 4: One of my colleague (blogger) gave this steps which was agreed on. Take this final steps to avoid going back to the irritating way:

To ensure that the changes you are making go much deeper than the surface, you need to forgive the people in your life that have angered you. It is not easy letting go of past hurts and resentments but the only way to move past your anger is to let go of these feelings and start fresh. (Depending on what, or who, is at the root of your anger, you may have to solicit the help of a professional to achieve this fully.)
So many times, miscommunication contributes to frustrating and mistrusting situations. The better you listen to what a person is saying, the better you will be able to find a resolution that does not involve an anger response or bashing.
Angry people are often the ones who let the little things bother them. If you learn to calm down, you will realize that there is no need to get uptight and you will have fewer angry episodes.
Go for counselling
You can also take your wife along. It would be of great help if the counsellor counsels the both. Your wife needs to be involved because she is at the receiving end, she can help you stop beating her.