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Monday, 3 April 2017



A delightful way to kick off the new month and a warm welcome back to all our loyal fans (readers) who patiently waited and believed in us. We're back to bring you joy and inspire ourselves to explore the world around us, including marital life. The topic that caught our attention is "K8LL," where K8LL stands for SATISFY: Ways to Satisfy Your Husband.

Start with a love letter. Recall the excitement of receiving a letter or note during your early courtship days? Do it again, but this time list all the reasons why you think he's the best husband. Your man will be thrilled to be reminded of your love and happy to know he makes you happy too.

Listen actively. When your husband shares his thoughts or opinions, give him your full attention. This shows respect for his views, which is incredibly pleasing to any man.

Greet your husband warmly after work.

Show appreciation. Thank him for fulfilling his responsibilities and let him know you can't compare him with any other man on earth.

Buy him something small and frivolous that he wouldn't buy for himself.

Say thank you with a smile. When your husband does an odd job around the house, thank him sincerely. He'll know his efforts are appreciated and be happy to do more.

Prepare his favorite meal. Surprise him with his favorite dinner after a regular workday. He'll not only enjoy the food but also appreciate the effort you put into making it.

Hold his gaze. Maintain eye contact when speaking or listening to him. This assures him of your attention and respect, which is empowering for any man.

Invite his family over. Your husband's parents mean a lot to him, so invite them for a Sunday lunch. He'll be touched by your thoughtful gesture.

Plan a kid-free evening. Send the kids to their grandparents or a family member's for a sleepover, then snuggle up with your husband and ask what he'd like to do for the rest of the evening.

Stay tuned for WAYS TO SATISFY YOUR WIFE... lolz..

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