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Wednesday, 4 June 2014



Good character is essential for a marriage to be successful. Money can facilitate the building of a house but only godly attributes can keep a home. Since meekness is said to be mother of good character, you can then imagine how despicable one would be without meekness.
If your marriage must be successful, you must be meek and gentle.
Before any divorce can take place, uncontrollable anger, malice, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, stubborness, vengeance or rigidity must have taken root.
These caterpillars have the capacity to destroy any home irrespective of its initial strength or age. The good news is that they all bow in the presence of the spirit of meekness. Meekness will ensure your marriage is failure proof. If your husband beat you. commit him into the hand of the spirit of meekness, while checking whether you are truly meek. A quarrelsome and stubborn woman receives beating from her equally stubborn husband.

If your home appears to have taken over the wrestle-mania ring, the spirit of meekness is the answer. Any home where the husband and wife are both willing to handle issues with meekness can only blossom. Meekness destroys the competitive spirit in marriage and make companion out of couples. To get MILK out of your marriage, please be MEEK.
Make your marriage a beautiful experience; give your marriage a meaning. Please be MEEK and GENTLE.


1. Know what you will lose without it.

2. Know what you will gain when you have it.

3. Desire it.

4. Pray for it, asking God to help you.

5. Put it into practice.

6. Study the Bible and other marriage article on internet and books.

7. Make friends with meek people.

8. Make conscious efforts to live with it.

9. Read and think deeply, pray about it (any religion).

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