Meekness is another key to a blissful marriage, ranking next to godliness. Meekness means being quiet, gentle, peaceful, and unwilling to argue or express contrary opinions. It also means having a mild, gentle, and polite character, not easily annoyed or provoked. Meekness is the foundation of all godly characters.
Tips: What a Meek Person Will Not Do
A meek person is not vengeful.
A meek person does not nag.
A meek person is always gentle.
A meek man never beats his wife.
Malice, bitterness, and resentment are far from a meek person.
When two meek partners marry, they do not fight; their misunderstandings rarely lead to quarrels.
A meek person is not selfish.
A meek person is not argumentative.
A meek person does not deny their spouse intimacy to punish them.
A meek person is not stubborn.
A meek person is never abusive.
A meek person is not noisy or loud (1 Peter 3:4).
Facts About Meekness
It is a spirit (1 Corinthians 4:21, Galatians 6:1).
It is a virtue.
It is a fruit of the spirit.
It is the mother of all godly characters.
It is peaceful.
It is vital for home building.
It emanates from the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23).
It is harmless.
God wants us to be meek and gentle.
It takes meekness to make heaven.
Meekness helps us prosper in life.
Meekness is the mother of humility.
There is no law against meekness.
Only the wise are meek (James 3:13).
The meek shall eat and be satisfied.
God guides the meek (Psalm 25:19).
God rises to save and protect the meek.
God lifts the meek.
Meekness is one of the attributes of Jesus Christ.
Attributes of a Meek Man or Woman
They are known to be godly.
They have a noble and quiet spirit.
A meek woman is obedient and submissive to her husband.
A meek man is the head of his house, kind, loving, caring, a leader but not a dictator.
A meek person listens to their partner.
A meek person corrects in the spirit of love, not criticism.
They have a lowly and humble spirit.
They are known to be wise.
They are good friends, compassionate companions, loving and true parents.
They are virtuous and good subordinates.
They are good to their neighbors.
They follow peace with all men.
They are truthful and faithful.
They are trustworthy.
They are not easily offended.
They speak the truth in love.
They do not speak hastily or judgmentally.
They have genuine love.
Watch out for Season 1 Part 2 soon...
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