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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Honest Truth About Men And Fidelity - Plus My Advice To One Woman Who's Struggling With A Man Who Strayed

The Honest Truth About Men and Fidelity - Plus My Advice to One Woman Who's Struggling with a Man Who Strayed

If you're like some of the women I've helped and you don't exactly know how to quickly reconnect and inspire the man you're with, it can feel like the harder you try to make your relationship work, the more your partner seems to tune out, act distant, and stop listening.

The worst of this is evident when your partner stops initiating affection, physical contact, and intimacy altogether. This is when you know there's trouble. If you've ever been in a place where you feel like you've tried everything to get your relationship back on track, but your partner doesn't seem to help or care, I want you to know that there is a way to quickly turn things around.

There's a way to have your partner excited to spend time alone with you, excited to take you out and experience the world with you, and excited just to touch you and be next to you. And there's also a way to get out of the common trap too many great women fall into: the trap of being the "Do It All Yourself" Woman.

This is when you do everything for yourself and for your partner, and you get little or no help and almost nothing back in return. It's you who makes the plans, organizes your lives, and even tries to hold your relationship together without their help. And for all that, they just seem to keep growing more and more distant and uninvolved.

Doing Too Much and Getting Little in Return
After being the "Do It All Yourself" Woman, it's only natural to feel exhausted, drained, frustrated, and unhappy with your partner and your relationship. Being in this place, and allowing yourself to get there in the first place, makes taking on this role in your relationship a trap. It's time to stop this pattern for your own good and start experiencing what it's like to have a real partner in your life who's committed, engaged, and does their part to make sure you're both creating an incredible life together.

Is it time for you to get off the roller-coaster and start to get things back on track for yourself and your relationship? If the answer is "Yes, it's time," then your first step isn't trying more of the same. Your first step is to stop doing the things that are accidentally pushing your partner further away and possibly making them feel like leaving since things seem too difficult to ever work again.

Are You a Do-It-All-Yourself Woman?
How do you know if you've been doing any of these things that are sure to push your partner away? Start by simply asking yourself if you've been doing any of the following to try to "fix" things in your relationship or marriage:

Talking only about problems or tasks, instead of really connecting on a genuine level.
Constantly judging, criticizing, or accusing your partner about what is wrong or lacking in the relationship, and never finding ways for you to both support and praise each other.
Venting your problems with friends, family, or even another person in order to feel validated.
If so, then most likely you've realized that instead of getting more affectionate, they may be withdrawing even further and losing interest in staying in the relationship.

Don't let this happen to you. Find out how you can quickly and easily get your relationship back on track by inspiring your partner's love and devotion.

In my Blackberry Message online chat, I show you the quick and easy steps for how to:

Identify any and all destructive patterns in your relationship, and stop them dead on the spot.
Stop being the "Do It All Yourself" person in your relationship, and learn to sit back and have your partner start thinking about and caring for you and your relationship on their own.
Stop letting your relationship problems get you down, which cause you to feel worse and act out—instead, get back to your "best self" and feel better immediately.
Discover what it takes to trigger your partner's desire to be engaged in your relationship again.
It's time you stopped having to do everything yourself and started enjoying what a real loving and supportive relationship is like. My very best tips and secrets for getting your relationship back on track and off your own shoulders in a matter of a day or two are all right here for you. BB PIN: 31028423, Facebook Group.

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