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Monday, 19 January 2015


Loneliness: If you feel lonely, desolate, and dejected even when your spouse is with you, something might be wrong with your marriage, even if you are not yet fighting.

Not Missing Each Other: If you don't miss your spouse when they are away for an extended period and feel relieved by their absence, it might indicate an issue.

Emotional Block: If you have no feelings for your spouse, their joy doesn't bring you happiness, and their sadness doesn't affect you, it could be a sign of emotional detachment. If you notice this in your marriage, seek help immediately before it worsens.

Constant Misunderstanding: Frequent disagreements on almost everything can indicate that something is wrong because partners usually find common ground.

Absence of Romance: If you used to hug, kiss, hold hands, and enjoy each other's company but now rarely touch each other except for sexual intercourse, it could be a sign of erosion.

Breakdown of Communication: Stalemates and malice are signs of drifting apart. Partners should communicate easily and resolve issues quickly.

Avoidance of Each Other: If you try to avoid each other and feel more at home at work than at home, it might indicate a problem.

Sex Becomes Tasking: Sex should be pleasurable for both partners. If it feels like a chore rather than something to look forward to, it could be a sign of trouble.

Lack of Excitement: If you no longer feel excited about your spouse coming home or look forward to seeing them, it could be a sign of trouble.

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